Pesquisa Teaching Machines

Fonte:, IEEE Advanced Search

Fiz hoje, dia 13 de fevereiro de 2008 às 16h24min, uma pesquisas no site do e verifiquei que a expressão "teaching machines" apareceu em apenas 13 documentos, de um total de 1.741.150 armazenados no banco de dados.

Todos esses 13 documentos podem ser acessados diretamente no link listado abaixo:

- Todos Documentos sobre Teaching Machines (13)

Porém, os documentos de interesse foram:

[1] Bruce-Lockhart, M.P.; Norvell, T.S., "Lifting the hood of the computer: program animation with the Teaching Machine," Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2000 Canadian Conference on , vol.2, no., pp.831-835 vol.2, 2000URL:

[2] Pask, G., "The Control of Learning in Small Subsystems of a Programmed Educational System," Human Factors in Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.HFE-8, no.2, pp. 88-93, June 1967URL:

[3] Uhr, L., "Toward the Compilation of Books into Teaching Machine Programs," Human Factors in Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.HFE-8, no.2, pp. 81-84, June 1967URL:

[4] Seif, M.A., "Design Case Studies: a practical approach for teaching machine design," Frontiers in Education Conference, 1997. 27th Annual Conference. 'Teaching and Learning in an Era of Change'. Proceedings. , vol.3, no., pp.1579-1582 vol.3, 5-8 Nov 1997URL:

[5] Zahl, H.A., "Fifty Years of Teaching Machines," Proceedings of the IRE , vol.50, no.5, pp.575-578, May 1962URL: